Wednesday, March 28, 2012


So yesterday mom takes me to ths place called the YMCA (I thought that was a Village People song).
We walked around I got petted. Mom says I have to overcome my fear of a buzzing sound. I don't know what she's talking about. All I remember was when mom was buying something to eat from a box it made a scary noise.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

More Training

Mom and Dad woke me up real early yesterday morning to meet with Curtis. We went to a place called Bass Pro Shops. Curtis tested me on the elevator and the stairs, I aced them no problem. The store is a little strange. There's this large swimming pool that has these large fish in it. Curtis kept asking me to look at the fish. I just wanted to jump in for a swim. There's also all these animals all over the store. Odd thing is, they don't move. I wonder why?
Mom and Dad then took me to Victoria Gardens. First we went to my favorite restaurant Johnny Rockets. They actually give me a bowl of water and have a doggy menu. Like always Mom takes me for some more training. As always we go to the playground. One kid pets me, next thing you know, 10 kids are petting me. Though yesterday was more like 100. Mom decides to sit down and finish some paperwork. I swear it wasn't just kids at the playground but kids around the eating area that wanted to pet me. I need to start signing autographs soon.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Huntington Dog Beach

On Sunday I went to a place called Huntington Dog Beach.  I have been there a couple of times before and have always liked it there.  It is a great place that I can meet other dogs and run around almost as much as I want.

Yes this is really a picture from where I just went and not a dream picture.

I found only one problem with Dog Beach this time.  THE WIND!!!!  It was cold and there were not many other dogs around this time because of it.

This is Lucy.  Her coat is being blown off her back by the wind and everyone was very cold.  Just for those who don't know who Lucy is, she is Giant George's older sister.  She likes to stay with her Mom and doesn't do much when I see her but it is nice to be around her anyway.  Getting back to my story, I ran up and down the beach for about an hour and a half.  Why did I do this, TO MEET OTHER DOGS OF COURSE!  And it is very nice to be able to run without worrying about hitting things too.

I bet that you are now wondering who all was there at Dog Beach with me.  I don't think I need to worry about the Humans so I will only list the other dogs.  I was not there alone with Lucy.  There was Bella (my small sister), Lucy, Archer, and Atlas. Archer is another puppy like myself but a little smaller than I am but not by much.  Atlas is a full grown adult male dane that makes me feel a bit small.  Who knows, I might come close to being his size when I am full grown but we will see.

This is a picture of Archer and I.  I know that Archer looks a bit bigger than me but that is camera angles for you.

This is Atlas, Bella, and I next to Atlas's Dad.  

Hopefully next time I go here I will see more Dane's and a whole lot less wind.  It was a lot of fun anyway and I still was very tired after I got home.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Yes! I'm Still A Puppy

Yesterday mom takes me out to one of the stores she works at for some training. Apparently no one believed her that I'm still a puppy. Yes I'm big but no I'm not old. I was born on June 8, 2011. That makes me 9 months old. Most dogs don't stop growing until they're a year old. Great danes don't stop growing until 18 months. Last time I was measured I measured at 33.5 inches. Yes I'm very tall but so were my biological parents. I'm starting to think whether I should just carry around my birth certificate wherever I go.

Friday, March 16, 2012

First Day Of Therapy Dog Training

Boy am I tired. Yesterday was my first real day of therapy dog training. It was a lot of work.

First mom took me to where she works. Mom's colleagues couldn't stop saying how big I am.

Mom later took me to Victoria Gardens again to meet with Curtis. She says that Curtis is now my teacher and I have to follow everything he says. I don't mind riding in an elevator or walking up stairs but Curtis tried to get me to walk up these moving stairs. He called it an escalator. I'M NOT GOING ON!!!!!! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!!!!

Well my favorite part of going to Victoria Gardens is when Mom takes me to the playground. One kid is petting me. Next thing I know, 10 kids are petting me. This is the life.

Kids petting me

Dad with some kids at the playground

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mom's Feeling Better or A Cure for Vampirism

Mom's finally feeling better. She no longer complains that the light is too bright and she went back to work.  This is a great relief for me because she came up and hugged me around the neck and did not bite me!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mom is still sick!!

Mom has been sick. She is even more like a vampire now! She won't go outside without a mask on. She would not even take my sister and I home last night. I hope that she gets better soon.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I Think My Mom Is Turning Into A Vampire

I think my mom is turning into a vampire. Whenever Dad turns on the lights or she goes outside she complains that the lights are hurting her eyes. Dad says Mom's sick. He took mom to the hospital. I think my Mom is turning into a vampire. Get Well soon Mom. Just don't bite me!!!!